Critical Mass Approaching – The Shift Has Hit The Fan


Critical Mass Approaching – The Shift Has Hit The Fan
Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

by Zen Gardner

The warnings and revelations of truth regarding current events that the alternative community is exposing are having a profound effect. This uncensored research is based on real history, news trends, accumulated information, knowledge of the occult such as ritual dates, numerology and other esoteric sciences as well as intuitive, conscious understandings.

The massive vibrational change of consciousness is palpable.

And it’s getting to them. It’s never been easy to quantify, but we’re starting to get proof positive on a massive scale. One of the best examples is this Kony 2012 phenomenon that literally backfired right in the smug elites’ faces. A young demographic comprised of millions worldwide latched on to the cause and then sussed it out almost immediately. Fantastic.

We need to take that awareness and apply that as direct knowledge on other fronts. The walls are coming down.

The wake up is approaching critical mass and starting to erupt in mainstream society. When impeachment proceedings are launched against Obama and war criminals Bush and Cheney can’t travel outside the U.S. for fear of demonstrations and arrest, something big has shifted. When top banksters are resigning at an increasing rate and Timothy Geithner was supposedly detained again and is rumored to have fingered Bush Sr. and Bill Gates, something’s up.

The Power of Awareness

If everybody’s screaming there’s gonna be a nuclear hit on the London Olympics and it gets any kind of serious traction, they may just do it somewhere else. It’s rare we’ll ever know for sure, but when Killary says they’re losing the info war, or Brzezinski says the global awakening is a threat, something’s working, and well. And we’ve come a long way since then.

Being aware of not just the information but the vibrational changes is a huge advantage. The insiders on their side know about this too. Most of the stooges you see in the news don’t. They’re just hired thugs. We know it’s working not just by observing information and events, but by intuitive conscious awareness and the thrilling crescendo of awakened lives we’re seeing and hearing from everyday.


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